Igor Nikolaev has started his legal practice as an in- house lawyer in the Students Trade Union Association in 1991. Following this he worked in St Petersburg Property Fund.
In 1995 he left the position as head of the legal department and joined the St Petersburg City Bar Association. In 1995 he participated in a legal program organized by the Law Society of England and Wales and practiced in different solicitors firms in England.
In 1997 he worked for Herbert Smith in London in a project group. From January 1998 until May 2001 he worked as an in-house lawyer at Rothmans in St Petersburg. He provided a large range of legal work including customs issues, arbitration and litigation in local Russian courts.
From May 2000 until April 2002 he was the Russian lawyer who ran Clyde and Co's office in St. Petersburg. He was involved in a number of different types of maritime, insurance, debt recovery and general practice cases related to the Russian law and international issues. Since April 2002 he is running his own law practice.
Igor Nikolaev, born Leningrad, USSR, August 10, 1967; admitted, 1992.
Education: St.Petersburg State University, Law Faculty (Dipl., LL.B., 1992).
Author of a number of articles in Maritime Risk International (P&I International).
Member: Saint Petersburg Advocate Chamber.
Languages: Russian and English.

For correspondence:
P.O. Box 10
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 194214
Tel. +7 (921) 969-37-86